Middle School Club
(Jesus & You Connection)

Child Evangelism Fellowship® is serious about discipleship. Good News Clubs are a primary means of discipling children, but when pre-teens age out of GNC™, we want them to continue growing in their walk with Christ, being involved in local churches and developing a missionary vision especially as relates to CEF ministry. We believe that in doing this, God will raise up more volunteers, teachers, supporters and workers to minister among these teens.
Junior Youth Challenge (JYC) is designed for middle schoolers, ages 12-15. The focus of JYC is to know Christ, to live for Him, and to serve Him. Teens immerse themselves in God’s Word through a five-year curriculum. Meetings include Bible teaching, singing, games, quizzes and other activities. Beyond regular meetings, there are special events and national events such as sports nights and weekend gatherings.
Register for Middle School Club (JYC) by clicking on your school below.
If your school isn’t listed and you are interested in participating, email Dillon Bayless.